I used to have a friend that would ask me that question every time I'd get stuck in a rut or start feeling really down about what I was doing with my life. That person is no longer in my circle of friends(for other reasons). However, I am asking myself that question a lot lately. I am staring down the barrell of a probably lay off and the big 4-0. Both are making me realize that I need to make some damn decisions and make them fast. I am where I wanted to be 5 years ago. I am married to a wonderful man and we are living a comfortable life. We travel when we want and have everything we need. But I also think I could do more with my life. I just don't know what it is. If/when I lose my job, I am not sure what my next move should be. Of course, I will get another job. But it most likely will be just that - a job. I doubt it will be my dream job and most likely it will be a huge pay cut. I could get a technical certificate, like medical transcriptions or some such. Supposedly, I could work at home. That would be nice, but I think it would be a boring, lonely job. I could stay home for a while and try to finish a novel or two and see if I can't make a miracle happen and get it published. Well, lots of people are published, but they are making a living out of it. But I just don't have enough confidence in myself to believe that I could even get published. I know, I know - negative, negative.
But mostly when I ask myself that question, the answer is alive and healthy. It's a boring answer and doesn't help me make my next move. But it's the only answer I've got right now.