Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Why is it that women have a reputation for being late? I am never late, if I am it's my husband's fault. He either won't get out of bed on time. Or he decides right as we are leaving that we must check the oil in the car or check the air pressure in the tires. Or maybe he must, absolutely must, call a friend. The friend that called 4 days ago and instead of getting back to him, he sat on the couch and ate brie, but it's imperative that he call, right now, as we are getting in the car to go meet someone. The worst is when I am starving and for whatever reason we have to go to Best Buy and look at every moniter/computer/movie before going to dinner. Any body else have this problem?


  1. No. No husband to blame. When I am late, it's generally my own fault. Although, there are times when one or all of my three dogs have disrupted my schedule ;)

  2. I am always late no matter what!
