Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I don't want to

Well, I started my class last night. It's an Intensive Writing Workshop. Now I have to send 20 pages of my WIP to 10 strangers. If I never had to see these strangers again, I wouldn't care so much. But I have to let them read it, then critique it. It is making me a nervous wreck. My stomach's in knots and I just want to curl up in the corner and never come back out. I know that everyone starts some where and that my WIP is just a start. But I just feel so stupid around these people. They all seem like really intellectual people that really know their shit. I, however, feel like a dumbass who should have just stayed home. I know that I am not stupid. I am sure that I could out Photoshop and out cat the best of them, but it doesn't feel like enough right now.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry so much about what "they" have or do not have. Think only about what YOU have and can contribute. Academics are not smarter than anyone else -- they're just better acquainted with the lingo. You can learn the lingo. Do not let them intimidate you. Most of the creative academics are pretty nice people. A few will "posture" from time to time. But, it's usually something that makes THEM look bad, not you.
