Wednesday, July 28, 2010

emergency evacuation plan

Several weeks ago, we found a gas leak in our yard. Nothing major, thank goodness, because they haven't bothered to fix it yet. But when the guy was here, checking it, he told us that if it were bad he would have to evacuate us and our neighbors. That got me thinking about things. Like, what the hell would we do with our cats if we had to evacuate? First, imagine rounding up 6 cats in a hurry. The minute you put one in a crate, the rest go and hide. So, we have to chase them, move furniture, fight them to finally get them in a crate. Okay, so then you have them all crated. Do I even have 6 crates? Putting more than one in a crate might work in a bind, but they might kill each other in there. So okay, I have them crated. Now what? Where do we go? A hotel? I know there are some hotels that allow pets, but 6 cats? Nevermind, that several of them cannot be in the same room together and barely tolerate living together in a 2000 sq ft house. Maybe we could rent 2 rooms. But dang how much would that cost? And then, how long would we have to stay gone? Okay, so 6 cats in 2 tiny hotel rooms with litter boxes. Sounds like my own personal nightmare.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Why is it that women have a reputation for being late? I am never late, if I am it's my husband's fault. He either won't get out of bed on time. Or he decides right as we are leaving that we must check the oil in the car or check the air pressure in the tires. Or maybe he must, absolutely must, call a friend. The friend that called 4 days ago and instead of getting back to him, he sat on the couch and ate brie, but it's imperative that he call, right now, as we are getting in the car to go meet someone. The worst is when I am starving and for whatever reason we have to go to Best Buy and look at every moniter/computer/movie before going to dinner. Any body else have this problem?