Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dried Pears with Kosher salt

Okay, I know the first thing you thought was "eww". But trust me this is good stuff.

2 pears
kosher salt

Easy ingredients, huh? Preheat oven to 225 F. Slice pears 1/4 inch thick or thin or whatever. Place evenly on a cookie sheet. Put in oven for 2 hours. Now most recipes will tell you to add sugar to this recipe. Trust me, unless you really, really like super sweet- do not do this. I pulled these out and tried one. They were so sweet, it made my teeth hurt. And I didn't even add sugar. But I didn't want to waste them. So I put them in a bag with some kosher salt. You can use sea salt as well. I wanted to use it, but seem to have lost my sea salt in the madness that is my kitchen. Anyway, don't use too much. Just a little in the bag. Shake the bag so that the pears are evenly covered. Put back in the oven for about 10 minutes. Perfecto. An easy, healthy snack. These are good on their own. Or on toast with some goat cheese spread.